.NET Libraries

A collection of awesome .NET Core / ASP.NET frameworks, libraries, tools, resources and software.

For those resource with ⭐️ it's just my personal preference.


Frameworks, Libraries and Tools

Testing Frameworks

  • XUnit - ⭐️ xUnit.net is a free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework.

  • NUnit - NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .NET languages.

  • MSTest - MSTest is a Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework.

API Client

  • AutoRest - OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, Ruby and PHP.

  • RestSharp - ⭐️ Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET

  • RestEase - Easy-to-use typesafe REST API client library for .NET Standard 1.1 and .NET Framework 4.5 and higher, which is simple and customisable. Inspired by Refit

  • Flurl - Fluent URL builder and testable HTTP client for .NET

API Documentation

  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore - ⭐️ Swagger tools for documenting API's built on ASP.NET Core

  • NSwag - The Swagger/OpenAPI toolchain for .NET, Web API and TypeScript.

Authentication and Authorization


  • Dnn.Platform - DNN (formerly DotNetNuke) is the leading open source web content management platform (CMS) in the Microsoft ecosystem.

  • Orchard .NET - Orchard is a free, open source, community-focused Content Management System built on the ASP.NET MVC platform.

  • Orchard Core - Orchard Core is an open-source modular and extensible application framework built with ASP.NET Core, and a content management system (CMS) built on top of that application framework.

  • Umbraco CMS - Umbraco is a fully-featured, open source Content Management System loved by thousands for its flexibility and great editing experience.

  • nopCommerce - Free open-source ecommerce shopping cart (ASP.NET Core)


  • EventStore - The open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing in JavaScript.

  • LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file

  • RavenDB - An ACID NoSQL Document Database

  • Apache Ignite - Mirror of Apache Ignite, a memory-centric distributed database, caching, and processing platform for transactional, analytical, and streaming workloads delivering in-memory speeds at petabyte scale.

Database Drivers

  • MySQL Connector - Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL

  • Npgsql - .NET data provider for PostgreSQL

  • MongoDB - Official MongoDB C# driver

  • StackExchange Redis - General purpose Redis client from StackExchange

  • RethinkDb.Driver - A RethinkDB database driver in C# striving for 100% ReQL API compatibility and completeness.

E-Commerce and Payments

E-Commerce CMS

  • nopCommerce - Free open-source ecommerce shopping cart (ASP.NET Core)

  • SimplCommerce - Super simple ecommerce system built on .NET Core.

Payment Gateway

  • PayPal - .NET SDK for PayPal's RESTful APIs.

  • Stripe - Typed .NET clients for stripe.com REST APIs.

FTP Client

  • FluentFTP - FTP and FTPS client, with extensive FTP commands, SSL/TLS connections, hashing/checksums and more.

  • SSH.NET - SSH.NET is a Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET, optimized for parallelism

Image processing

  • ImageProcessor - A fluent wrapper around System.Drawing for the processing of image files.

  • ImageSharp - A cross-platform library for the processing of image files; written in C#

  • Magick.NET - The .NET library for ImageMagick

  • QRCoder - A pure C# Open Source QR Code implementation.




  • AutoMapper - ⭐️ Convention-based object-object mapper in .NET.



  • N/A




  • CsvHelper - ⭐️ Library to help reading and writing CSV files

  • NPOI - ⭐️ A .NET library for reading and writing Microsoft Office binary and OOXML file formats.

  • EPPlus - Create advanced Excel spreadsheets using .NET

  • DinkToPdf - C# .NET Core wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library that uses Webkit engine to convert HTML pages to PDF.

  • PDFsharp - A .NET library for processing PDF


  • SharpZipLib - SharpZipLib is a Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform.

  • lz4net - Ultra fast compression algorithm for all .NET platforms.

  • sharpcompress - Fully managed C# library to deal with many compression types and formats.


Fake Generator

  • Bogus - A simple and sane fake data generator for C#, F#, and VB.NET. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js.


  • Humanizer - ⭐️ Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities


  • GeoCoordinate - GeoCoordinate is a portable class library (in v1.1.x) or netstandard v1.1 (from v2.x.x) compatible implementation of System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate.


  • FluentValidation - A popular .NET validation for building strongly-typed validation rules.


  • AWS SDK - The official AWS SDK for .NET. For more information on the AWS SDK for .NET, see our web site:

    • AWSSDK.Lambda - AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you, making it easy to build applications that respond quickly to new information.

    • AWSSDK.S3 - Amazon S3 provides developers and IT teams with secure, durable, highly-scalable object storage.

    • AWSSDK.SimpleEmail - Amazon SES is an outbound-only email-sending service that provides an easy, cost-effective way for you to send email

    • AWSSDK.SimpleNotificationService - Amazon SNS is a fast, flexible, fully managed push messaging service. Amazon SNS makes it simple and cost-effective to push notifications to Apple, Google, Fire OS, and Windows devices, as well as Android devices in China with Baidu Cloud Push. You can also use SNS to push notifications to internet connected smart devices, as well as other distributed services.

    • AWSSDK.ElasticTranscoder - Amazon Elastic Transcoder is media transcoding in the cloud. It is designed to be a highly scalable, easy to use and a cost effective way for developers and businesses to convert (or 'transcode') media files from their source format into versions that will playback on devices like smartphones, tablets and PCs.

    • AWSSDK.TranscribeService - Amazon Transcribe Public Preview Release

  • Docker.DotNet - .NET (C#) Client Library for Docker API.

  • Google Cloud DotNet - Google Cloud Client Libraries for .NET

  • Octokit - A GitHub API client library for .NET

  • Nexmo Client - Nexmo REST API client for .NET, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC written in C#. API support for SMS, Voice, Text-to-Speech, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.

  • Pubnub Client - PubNub is a Massively Scalable Web Push Service for Web and Mobile Games. This is a cloud-based service for broadcasting messages to thousands of web and mobile clients simultaneously

  • SendGrid - The Official SendGrid Led, Community Driven C#, .NetStandard, .NetCore API Library


  • FluentScheduler - ⭐️ Automated job scheduler with fluent interface.

  • Hangfire - An easy way to perform background job processing in your .NET and .NET Core applications. No Windows Service or separate process required

  • Quartz - Quartz Enterprise Scheduler .NET

  • Stateless - A simple library for creating state machines in C# code

Template Engine

  • DotLiquid - .NET Port of Tobias Lütke's Liquid template language.

  • RazorLight - Template engine based on Microsoft's Razor parsing engine for .NET Core

  • Handlebars.Net - A .NET Handlebars engine

  • Fluid - Fluid is an open-source .NET template engine that is as close as possible to the Liquid template language.

Web Socket

  • SignalR - ⭐️ Real-time web functionality for web apps, including server-side push.

  • SuperSocket - SuperSocket is a light weight, cross platform and extensible socket server application framework

  • Fleck - Fleck is a WebSocket server implementation in C#.

  • PubNub - ⭐️ Pubnub Service is a global Data Stream Network (DSN) and realtime infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) company based in San Francisco, California.

Last updated