Create our application by creating a CommandLineApplication, and configure the default app Name, Description, and enable HelpOption.
The HelpOption will be used for trigger the help output, the syntax of the string is self-explanatory: use either "-?", "-h" or "–help" as a parameter.
To make the default action to do something, we define the OnExecute with simple output Hello World.
using Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils;
using System;
namespace CommandLineExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var app = new CommandLineApplication();
app.Name = "ninja";
app.Description = ".NET Core console app with argument parsing.";
app.OnExecute(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
return 0;
To create a command, use app.Command(name, Func<cmd>) to define the action and configure arguments in the command function.
app.Command("hide", (command) =>
command.Description = "Instruct the ninja to hide in a specific location.";
var locationArgument = command.Argument("[location]", "Where the ninja should hide.");
command.OnExecute(() =>
var location = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(locationArgument.Value)
? locationArgument.Value
: "under a turtle";
Console.WriteLine("hide has finished. ninja hide " + location);
return 0;
To create command argument that accept for multiple option values, we can use CommandOptionType.MultipleValue while configure in command.Option.
In the sample code below, you can exclude multiple attack target. For example: $ ninja attack -e dragons -e animals
app.Command("attack", (command) =>
command.Description = "Instruct the ninja to go and attack!";
// multiple commnad: -e | --exclude
var excludeOption = command.Option("-e|--exclude <exclusions>",
"Things to exclude while attacking.",
// single commnad: -s | --scream
var screamOption = command.Option("-s|--scream",
"Scream while attacking",
command.OnExecute(() =>
var exclusions = excludeOption.Values;
var attacking = (new List<string>
.Where(x => !exclusions.Contains(x));
Console.Write("Ninja is attacking " + string.Join(", ", attacking));
if (screamOption.HasValue())
Console.Write(" while screaming");
return 0;
$ ninja -?
Usage: ninja [options] [command]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
attack Instruct the ninja to go and attack!
hide Instruct the ninja to hide in a specific location.
Use "ninja [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ ninja hide
Ninja is hidden under a turtle
$ ninja hide "on top of a street lamp"
Ninja is hidden on top of a street lamp
$ ninja hide --help
Usage: ninja hide [arguments] [options]
[location] Where the ninja should hide.
-?|-h|--help Show help information
$ ninja attack
Ninja is attacking dragons, badguys, civilians, animals
$ ninja attack --scream
Ninja is attacking dragons, badguys, civilians, animals while screaming
$ ninja attack -e dragons -s --exclude=animals
Ninja is attacking badguys, civilians while screaming
$ ninja attack -?
Usage: ninja attack [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
-e|--exclude <exclusions> Things to exclude while attacking.
-s|--scream Scream while attacking
Generate the exe
If you really want to generate the exe then just run below command: