Replace Filename Command

This is an example to replace "[天堂www.*.com]" in the video file name.

Create a rename.bat file with command below:

@echo off
Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File ./rename.ps1
# pause

Create a rename.ps1 file with command below:

# Replace [天堂www.*.com] from video file name
$stringToReplace = -join([regex]::Escape("[天堂"), "www.*.com", [regex]::Escape("]"))
ls *.avi,*.mp4,*.mkv | ren -NewName {$ -replace $stringToReplace,""}

Put both rename.bat and rename.ps1 in the video folder, click on the rename.bat and it will execute powershell command rename.ps1

Expected Result

  • [天堂]video_001.avi --> video_001.avi

  • [天堂]video_002.mp4 --> video_002.mp4

  • [天堂]video_003.mkv --> video_003.mkv

Last updated